BOEM Finalizes Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Research Lease Review


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has made its Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA) of an offshore wind research lease in the Gulf of Maine available.  

In 2021, Maine requested a lease lying 28 nautical miles off the state’s coast for the purpose of researching floating offshore wind technology and its deployment. If developed, the site would comprise up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 MW.

After considering all available sources, the bureau found that issuing a wind energy research lease within the proposed lease area would have no significant impact on the environment. Given this, BOEM found it wasn’t required to prepare an EIS in order to issue the proposed  wind energy research lease. 

“Floating wind technology can make offshore wind a reality in the Gulf of Maine,” says BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein. “BOEM will continue to work in partnership with the state of Maine as we move forward to facilitate the responsible development of offshore wind in this region, as well as the deployment of floating offshore wind technology nationwide.”

Upon completion of the Final EA and finding of no significant impacts, BOEM offered the research lease to Maine earlier this month after the Final EA was completed and no significant impacts found. The state has 30 calendar days to accept, reject or request modifications to the lease.  

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