BOEM Begins Second Central Atlantic Offshore Wind Sale Process


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) says it will publish a Call for Information and Nominations for a second regional offshore wind energy sale in the Central Atlantic, Central Atlantic 2. 

The bureau says the call invites public feedback on possible commercial wind energy development in areas off the coasts of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina.

“Today’s announcement kicks off the process for a second potential auction in the Central Atlantic and provides an important avenue to solicit information as we identify potential areas that may be suitable for future offshore wind energy leasing,” says BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein. 

“BOEM looks forward to building upon years of working with ocean users, Tribal governments, and local, state and federal agencies as we drive toward achieving the ambitious goals of the Biden-Harris administration to fight climate change and create good-paying jobs.”

The second Central Atlantic Call represents one of the first steps in the leasing process. The announcement builds upon the input and planning that led to the first Central Atlantic lease sale earlier this month.

BOEM will publish the Commercial Leasing for Wind Power Development on the Central Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf – Central Atlantic 2 – Call for Information and Nominations in the Federal Register this month, which will initiate a 60-day public comment period. The bureau will accept nominations and comments until October 21. BOEM will also host several virtual and in-person public meetings in September and October.

After the public comment period closes, BOEM will review and analyze commercial nominations and public comments submitted in response to the Call. It will also consider information from Tribal consultations and the Central Atlantic Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force to further evaluate the appropriateness of the Call Area for offshore wind energy development and identify draft wind energy areas (WEAs). 

BOEM will conduct environmental reviews of the WEAs in consultation with the appropriate federal agencies, Tribes, state and local governments, as well as key stakeholders. After completing its environmental reviews and consultations, BOEM may propose a competitive lease sale for areas within the WEAs.  

The Central Atlantic 2 Call Area consists of 13 million acres off the New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina coasts. The Call Area is meant to allow for flexibility to minimize conflicts with other uses, such as commercial fisheries, military activities and vessel traffic. 

BOEM will collaborate with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to help identify where conflicts may exist and inform decisions regarding the most appropriate locations for WEAs. 

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