Baltyk Offshore Wind Projects Granted Building Permits


The Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 projects, being developed by Polenergia and Equinor, have received a complete set of offshore and onshore building permits. 

The Pomeranian voivode issued a total of 17 permits for the wind farms, which included installation permission for the 100 wind turbines and two offshore power stations to be situated in the Baltic Sea, the laying of export and internal cables and the installation of two onshore stations along with infrastructure.

The Polenergia Offshore Wind Farm Department was responsible for the process of obtaining the pertinent documents. 

First preparatory works on land are set to begin this year, with the projects slated to be operational in 2027.

“Obtaining all the required permits is a very important moment for the Bałtyk 2 and 3 projects, which confirms the exemplary preparation of these investments,” says Michał Jerzy Kołodziejczyk, president of the management board of Equinor in Poland. 

“It allows us to proceed to the next stage of the implementation of offshore wind farms. We are preparing to make the final investment decision and start construction works. For both projects, we have already secured contracts with contractors for all key components. These investments are a key step in the implementation of our sustainable development strategy and a contribution to the energy transformation of the country.”

Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 are expected to have a total 1,440 MW capacity and will be located in the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea. The projects’ commercial use is planned from 2028.

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