AWEA Honors Colorado Senator, A ‘Steadfast Friend’ To U.S. Wind Workers


U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., has been named a U.S. Wind Champion for the 115th Congress by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) at an event hosted by Vestas, which is a major Colorado employer.

AWEA is presenting U.S. Wind Champion Awards to select members of the 115th Congress who have taken action in support of American wind energy.

“It is an honor to be named a wind champion by the American Wind Energy Association,” says Gardner. “Throughout my time in Congress, I have been a strong proponent of an all-of-the-above energy approach that includes renewable energies like wind power. The wind energy industry is important to Colorado’s economy and employs thousands of people across the state. I will continue to champion policies that benefit wind energy and work with Coloradans to continue our state’s leadership in renewable technologies.”

“Senator Gardner is a steadfast friend to America’s wind workers,” states Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA. “The senator fights tirelessly creating opportunity for Coloradans, crafting fair tax policy, strengthening energy security with transmission infrastructure, and securing funding for breakthrough wind power research at NREL. We sincerely thank Senator Gardner for his work advancing America’s energy leadership and are pleased to present him with a U.S. Wind Champion Award.”

Vestas operates four wind turbine factories in Colorado and employs approximately 3,500 people in the state. In 2017, Vestas spent $1.4 billion across its U.S. supply chain, including $141 million in Colorado, to build turbines for the North American market. In total, wind power in Colorado supports 7,000 in-state jobs, 17 factories supplying the wind industry, and nearly $6 billion in cumulative private investment through 2016, says AWEA.

“Senator Gardner is a great champion of an all-of-the-above energy strategy, which includes strong support for wind power and other clean energy technologies. A lot of politicians talk the talk on clean energy, but Senator Gardner walks the walk,” comments Chris Brown, president of Vestas Americas. “With over 3,500 Coloradans working at our four wind turbine factories in the state, we’re honored and grateful for the Senator’s hard work and support of the industry.”

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