Arlington County Commits To 100% Clean, Renewable Electricity


On Saturday, the Arlington County Board in Virginia unanimously voted to adopt a new community energy plan (CEP) after a two-year review. In the 2019 CEP update, the county commits to the following primary goals: carbon neutrality by 2050; 100% clean, renewable electricity community-wide by 2035; and 100% clean, renewable electricity for government operations by 2025.

This decision follows an executive order signed by Gov. Ralph Northam, D-Va., on Sept. 16, setting a goal for 100% of Virginia’s electricity to be produced from carbon-free sources by 2050. The county’s original CEP was passed in 2013.

Arlington is now the 145th locality in the U.S. to make a 100% clean energy commitment. The local Sierra Club Ready for 100 campaign has advocated for this commitment in Arlington for the past two years.

“We’re excited and inspired by this victory,” says Alice Redhead, clean energy organizer for the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter. “This is a big moment for clean energy in Virginia. By making such an ambitious commitment, Arlington is making a strong statement to both our state government and Dominion Energy.”

On Saturday, outside of the Arlington government building where the county board was discussing the CEP and preparing for a vote, more than 50 supporters gathered. The rally was organized by the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter and featured over a dozen partner organizations to celebrate Arlington’s commitment to 100% clean electricity.

Photo: [Public domain]

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