Anbaric Submits Proposal to Deliver Offshore Wind to New York


In response to the New York Independent System Operator’s (NYISO) solicitation for proposed solutions to improve transmission capacity that will deliver clean energy from New York offshore wind farms to the downstate region, Anbaric has proposed the Downstate Clean Powerlink.

The Downstate Clean Powerlink improves downstate New York’s transmission capacity and strengthens the state’s power grid, while delivering locally sourced clean power to communities that have historically been most impacted by the harmful health effects of fossil fuel pollution. The need for robust transmission upgrades on Long Island and New York City was first identified by Anbaric in 2018 through the Public Policy Transmission Need process.

The Downstate Clean Powerlink consists of constructing new facilities, adding new infrastructure and upgrading existing facilities. Anbaric designed a technologically advanced solution that will deliver offshore wind power efficiently, eliminate concerns of curtailment, and minimize environmental and ratepayer impact. Anbaric will partner with communities in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island from the outset of the development of this project to improve grid reliability, advance environmental justice, and ensure equitable access to clean and affordable energy.

“For too long, historically underserved communities have been burdened with the detrimental air quality and public health impacts of polluting fossil fuel plants,” says Janice Fuller, president of Mid-Atlantic, Anbaric. “As we transition our electrical grid to renewable energy, we must prioritize bringing clean offshore wind power to these communities. In doing so, we can end the legacy of fossil fuel pollution and finally deliver cleaner air and healthier communities. Anbaric’s ambitious Downstate Clean Powerlink does just that.”

Anbaric submitted the proposal for Downstate Clean Powerlink on October 11, 2021, in response to the NYISO’s Long Island Offshore Wind Export Public Policy Transmission Need Project Solicitation. NYISO is seeking proposals that will accommodate 3,000 MW of anticipated offshore wind power to be distributed to the downstate region. Anbaric brings a proven track record in developing clean energy grid infrastructure that delivers renewable energy to the market and strengthens the grid. Anbaric’s transmission expertise includes the design and development of shared, open-access transmission systems, as well as onshore upgrades to unlock on-land renewables and build a grid to meet the challenges of the clean energy transition.

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