Ampelmann to Supply Seaway7 with Gangway for U.S. Offshore Project


Ampelmann has signed a contract with Seaway7 to supply an E5000 gangway for use in construction of a wind project off the U.S. coast.

The company says it marks the first tour of duty of the E5000 outside of Europe, adding that the gangway has a lifting capacity of 4,600 kilograms and can enable both personnel transfers as well as cargo operations in variable sea states. 

“Over the past year the company has invested in hiring and training local operators as well as other operational support personnel,” says Ampelmann’s Joseph Gabriel. 

“We are particularly honored to be able to provide support to this important US wind farm project together with a global leader in offshore wind like Seaway7. We are excited to see this system operating in the U.S. for the first time and we are particularly thankful to be working with Seaway7 on this project.”

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