ABP Signs Offshore Wind MOU with Taiwan International Ports


Associated British Ports has signed a cooperation memorandum of understanding with Taiwan International Ports Corp., in a ceremony at the Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal Port of Kaohsiung Passenger Terminal.

The MOU opens the door for information and experience sharing between the two signatories on floating offshore wind related port facilities and for the exploration of future business collaborations.

“This agreement with Taiwan International Ports represents an exciting new stage in our journey towards net zero, for which international collaboration is key,” says Henrik L. Pedersen, CEO of ABP. “Floating offshore wind presents huge opportunities to the U.K., from becoming a global leader in green energy generation to creating significant jobs, prosperity and energy security. We look forward to working with TIPC to exchange ideas and accelerate the advancement of this technology.”

“Through the signing of the MOU with ABP and information sharing between the two parties, I believe that TIPC will be fully prepared on port planning and construction in coordination with offshore wind power policies,” adds TIPC’s Shu-hui Cheng.

TIPC says ports have a crucial role to play in the current and future development of offshore wind power. TIPC is particularly interested in learning how to best develop the port infrastructures necessary to support the future development and installation of floating offshore wind in Taiwan.

Enabling the clean energy transition is also a key focus for ABP, as it launched its “Ready for Tomorrow” sustainability strategy in February, which sets out the port operator’s plans to achieve net zero from its own operations by 2040. The strategy is backed by a £2 billion investment in decarbonizing ABP’s own operations and enabling large-scale green energy infrastructure projects.

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