New & Noteworthy

Gamesa Sells Pennsylvania Wind Farm To enXco

Gamesa has signed an agreement to sell its full interest in Chestnut Flats Wind LLC and all project assets owned by the company...

Report: Renewable Energy Future Is Cheaper Than Fossil-Fuel Status Quo

Fossil fuels are not necessarily the cheapest option for the U.S.' energy future, and renewable energy and energy efficiency could achieve over $80...

Energy Northwest Cancels 80 MW Washington Wind Farm

Energy Northwest has called off the development of the 80 MW Radar Ridge wind project that was planned for southwestern Washington, the News...

China’s Rare-Earth Domination Keeps Wind Industry On Its Toes

Wind turbine manufacturers are scrambling to find alternatives to a key element used in direct-drive permanent magnet generators (PMGs), thanks to skyrocketing prices...

European Offshore Wind Investment Soars Despite Economic Recession

Despite the global economic recession, the European offshore wind industry is set to more than triple its annual investments over the next decade....

BNEF: Renewable Energy Will Represent Nearly 16% Of Generation By 2030

The annual value of renewable energy capacity installed will double in real terms to $395 billion in 2020, rising to $460 billion in...

Global Energy-Storage Capacity For Renewables Expected To Increase Dramatically

Utilities, grid service providers and equipment suppliers are all intensifying their efforts to meet the growing opportunity in energy storage, especially to integrate...

Lessons Learned From The Treasury’s Wind Project Cash-Grant Audits

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently released its audit reports of selected recipients of cash grants awarded...

Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project Segments Halted By Regulators

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has ordered Southern California Edison (SCE) to stop construction work on segments 4-11 of the Tehachapi Renewable...

E.ON Studying How To Store Wind Power On German Gas Grid

E.ON is investing 5 million euros to develop a pilot plant in Falkenhagen, Germany, to convert power from wind energy into hydrogen, which...

BNEF: Onshore Wind Power Will Reach Grid Parity With Fossil Fuels By 2016

The cost of electricity from onshore wind energy will drop 12% in the next five years, making it competitive with fossil-fuel electricity by...

South Korea To Build 2.5 GW Offshore Wind Farm

South Korea is investing 10.2 trillion won ($9 billion) to build a 2.5 GW offshore wind farm, Bloomberg reports. The government-led project, which...

Global Economy Casts Shadow Over Wind’s Long-Term Forecast

Some wind energy markets will see better growth than others in the years to come, as a weak macroeconomic and regulatory outlook may...

China Has Big Plans For Offshore Wind Power, New Report Says

China will surpass Germany in offshore wind capacity investments by 2018, second only to the U.K., finds a recent report from According...

Report: Global Wind Power Capacity To Top 560 GW By 2017

Despite the global economic recession, wind turbine deployment activity remains strong, and installations will represent a $153 billion global industry by 2017, up...

Renewable Energy Siting Process Gets Boost From New Mapping Tool

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), has released a mapping tool that allows renewable...

Citing Economic Weakness In Key Markets, Vestas Abandons 2015 Sales Goal

Citing 'economic difficulties in the Western economies,' Ditlev Engel, president and CEO of Denmark-based turbine manufacturer Vestas, took steps to reduce company costs...

EWEA: Wind Power Alone Could Meet 31% Of EU’s Emissions-Reduction Target

Wind power could meet 31% of the European Union's (EU) goal of reducing emissions by 20% by 2020, the European Wind Energy Association...

Renewable Energy Transmission Line Developer Seeking Negotiated Rate Authority

Houston-based Clean Line Energy Partners says it has filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeking negotiated rate authority for...

Agencies To Study Brownfield, Superfund Sites For Renewable Energy Development

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are evaluating the feasibility of developing...

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