Avangrid To Sell Wind Energy To CalChoice


Avangrid Renewables has announced three new power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the California Choice Energy Authority (CalChoice).

CalChoice will buy the entire output of the 22.44 MW Mountain View III Wind Farm starting in 2021 on behalf of three of its members: Apple Valley Choice Energy, the Rancho Mirage Energy Authority and Lancaster Choice Energy. The Mountain View III project is located in Palm Springs, Calif.

CalChoice is a joint powers authority (JPA) designed to help Southern California cities form and operate community choice aggregation programs without having to sacrifice control or other benefits associated with a traditional JPA. It was created by the cities of Lancaster and San Jacinto.

“Helping communities in Southern California deliver locally generated clean energy is an inspiring market development that CalChoice has helped enable,” says Diana Scholtes, vice president of renewable origination and strategies for Avangrid Renewables. “Our diverse asset fleet, paired with community choice aggregation programs, permits us to offer flexible, customer-driven products to cities and counties seeking competitive, clean energy solutions.”

“CalChoice is excited to partner with Avangrid Renewables in purchasing locally produced wind energy,” notes CalChoice’s executive director, Jason Caudle. “We are committed to pursuing clean, locally situated energy supply options for our members, and the Mountain View III Wind Farm was a perfect fit in this regard. We look forward to working with Avangrid Renewables during the upcoming 10-year delivery period.”

The Mountain View III Wind Farm generates approximately 70,000 MWh per year, enough to power more than 8,000 typical California homes annually.

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