Pattern Expands Wind And Solar Portfolio


Pattern Expands Wind And Solar Portfolio Pattern Energy Group has added four wind and two solar projects to its list of right of first offer (ROFO) projects it has acquired from Pattern Development. The six projects total 723 MW. A total owned interest of 526 MW is being added to the ROFO list.

According to Pattern, the projects fill out its presence in New Mexico and Japan. All projects will have long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs).

‘Since the initial public offering we have expanded the ROFO list by 182%, offering investors detailed visibility into our growth plans,’ says Mike Garland, president and CEO of Pattern Energy. ‘Between our operational facilities and our ROFO projects, we have also significantly expanded our reach, which now encompasses Chile, Japan, four provinces in Canada, Puerto Rico and seven states across the U.S.’

Of the six new projects being added, one includes a 497 MW wind farm, based in Curry County, N.M. The project, which is being built in multiple phases, will deliver wind power directly into California.

According to Pattern, the project is at an advanced stage of development and has completed the necessary transmission rights for multiple phases and is finalizing permitting. Terms of the PPAs for multiple phases have been agreed upon and are in the final stages.

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